Contact: Oslo: +47 924 82 020, Barcelona: +34 663 271 580

My Cocktail Lounge

Quenched logo


Quenched logo

Quenched AS is out making a new brand for the cocktail world

Due to our curious nature, we’ve started a company based in the northern corner of this world. We have the ambition of making a dent into the established cocktail world with our thoughts and ideas.
The result of this, is hopefully being presented in the near future through our partners and agents.

Cocktail Moment

Cocktail moment

We will supply you with a cocktail moment wether you create or drink cocktails

We strongly believe in going after our ideas and have actually done so with the concept you are reading about now. We want you to come back in a while so we can tell you more. For now, please enjoy a drink while we work hard to make our dreams and products come true.